Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Planets...Beond my wildest dreams.

The Planets in the earths sky are the most mesmerising thing i have ever set my eyes upon. They are a true mystery, and a marvelously intriguing subject. Breathtaking. Glorious. Superb. Jaw-dropping. Flabbergasting!

The Beauty of this! and to think God created it in only how many days?.........AMAZING!

Sends thought through my head every time i look at it!
Such an amazing thing, created by who?....By God. Like a little gift to us. One day i want to explore these planets, the skies, the heavens, they all amaze me! And i think. If God can keep each planet in space, moving, and beautiful, and maintained....How much more does he care for me and you!?
I asked my friend Ticket once: "How do you know God is real?"
Ticket: "Because there is nothing that dis-proves it."
Me: "How do you know that the world wasn't always here?"
Ticket: "Well, then,Who created the heavens then? How Was the earth made? The evidence is too strong for me to deny him, even if i wanted to...which i don't"
And he was so right. Look at the evidence all around us! Look at the skies. Only a skilled hand could shape and form those! The stars, each unique! These are all of God's creatiions! How super awesome, and no one these days thinks to stop and praise God for making them! They Overwhelm my mind, of how millions of masses of planets and stars are in our solar system.....and two hands made them!!!! The planets, Each separate! I just want anyone and everyone who reads this to stop and pause for a bit. I decide to write this blog for one reason, and one reason only, to praise God, to thank him  for the Exuberant work he has done! DEAR GOD: Thank you so much! You are the best artist i have ever known! And i pray that everyone will realize that YOU created the heavens and the Earth! THANK YOU JESUS!...Not only for dieing for us, but that you God, for creating Beauty! Amen!
~Your searching Child,
Safe Promises!
P.S. Please Share this with the World, and with your Friends, Lets ALL take today to stop and Thank God Especially for the Planets!...thats one thing, most people over look....


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