Monday, April 15, 2013

Windsheild of (My Heart)...

Driving along a country road, fresh rain, mud, pot holes. bump. your car hits one. then another. Splash! A muddy windshield..... Windshield wipers going on. Smears the mud. Crash! You can't see where your headed. That is our hearts. So covered in the muck, and grim of the world that no one can truly see us for who we are. Then, you look to tee right. Your window sits untouched. Crystal Clear. No Mud. No Dirt. No water. and you think....... This looks like my heart after i asked Jesus into my life, He washed my white as snow.... But then you turn your eyes away from him, and you fall into bad habits....and you get MUCKY again.
What we all need as Christians is a Spiritual Car Wash. To clean our hearts. and not just the outside, but the inside to! Think about it.... How many R rated movies have you watched within the last Month? How about PG-13? or even just PG?......and you think "Well, its not THAT bad...i mean i saw this movie just the other night and this one is better than that.... and well, Its not like I'm ever gonna Kill someone, like they do in this movie, or I'm never gonna do THAT bad thing...I think its fine if i watch it...just as long as no one finds out." Now, Think about it, When Christ returns.........and he re-plays your life....when he looks back at the things you've done... What do you think his response will be? "Child, Enter my gates, My good Servant!", or "Away from me! I Never Knew you"
Are you honoring God by even watching movies?.Are you honoring God by Cheating on Tests? By Swearing? By reading Fancy Books? By Eating? BY Breathing? BY SINGING?...The things you listen to? Where is this putting your heart?....Instead of being worried about doing something wrong, and people finding out.. You should be worried about  IF IT HONORS GOD! When Jesus comes back...NON OF THIS WILL MATTER, except for the part where you Love and Serve God... Are you inviting People into his Kingdom? Are you sharing Gods WORD! Or are you wasting the precious time God gave you, and watching useless Movies about Love and Death!? Are you filling your heard with Bad thoughts and UN Holy things?! or are you putting your life out there every day to Give GOD your best!..
Even if you are a Young kid in High-school......In all your School work you do, honor God!..Do your best for him!...Don't be a bully, talk to the left out kids, pray with the hurting, Minister to the lost, be an example!
The High-up worker, that is the Head producer of Gummy-bears or whatnot.....Be a loving boss, in everything you do, show other around you God! and when you get home at night, spend your time Reading God's word, preparing yourself for his ministry he has for you, Don't go fill your head with non-sense, and silly  things that will only ruin you! Does no one understand! Nothing matters except for CHRIST! EVERYHTING IN THIS WORLD IS MAN MADE, everything of this world will be demolished in the end days! and if we dint start spreading God's word!...then All those who never heard, and all those who don't believe will be cast away! FOREVER AND EVER! if you think 100 years is a long time.... THINK ABOUT ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart cannot express it enough! PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!

Dear God: Help  Everybody realize, Time is precious, Life is precious, You are precious. If we don't start a Revival Now..Then when will we? Help us all to get up out of the Dark and be Crazy for you! Let Us be the Hands and Feet....And as WE WALK THE EARTH...Please, Lord, Guide US!

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