Monday, April 22, 2013

The Merry-Go-Round of OUR Lives. (30sec. Think about.)

"Swoosh....Swoosh".....Twice around......and it starts slowing down.
 "Clinkedy, Clink"...Four more quarters get pushed into the holder, and......
 "Whoosh," there it goes again....
That. Is. A. Merry-Go-Round. And...That is OUR life.
"I Love You Jesus......I Love You Jesus"......Two Weeks later...and we start slowing down...
"Go to Church, Read My Bible, Pretend I'm happy, Pray to God"...Four more things i do that i tell myself will be enough...
"I love you Jesus".....and off i go again.....But i don't mean it. I say it. But Never mean it. I do it, and i do it over and over. Just like a merry-go-round repeats itself again and again. ....and I'm not saying Merry-go-Rounds are evil, but they are the perfect example for our Walk with Christ.
We need to get off of Life's Merry-Go-Round effect, with all the lights and Gilimore, and all the pretty Horses, and Entertainment and get on God's Hand. He promises to hold us, so if your afraid of heights, you have no excuse. You see we go through life, thinking we are right. But looking deeper is what you need to do. Ask yourself. Am i repeating myself? What have i done in the last Week that will have Long-team Effect?.........Right now my answer is NOTHING. I have not talked to or brought one person to Christ within the last week....not even that last Month!.......I am on a merry-go-round. You, my friend, are on a Merry-Go-Round. and God is offering his hand but were to caught up to take it....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
My Friend Ticket told me once,  "His (God's) Creation is Evil...and yet, he never leaves us....although we deserve to rot." How true is that! Even when you and Me are going around is this sinful world, being sinners, and half-way living our lives as Christians, God is still there, waiting for each of his wicked Children to be asked to be washed pure again. He waits, Holding out his had, ready to Take us in and Love US! AND WE CAN'T EVEN GO SHARE THAT WITH OTHERS!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE! God owes Us NOTHING.....We Owe God Everything, and although We can never pay him back....We CAN Love him! And throw out anything and Everything that Disrespects him, and Show others....There Still are Children in this World that Love God! DEAR GOD: HELP ME MAKE A DIFFENCE IN THIS WORLD, AND GET OFF OF MY DAILY MERRY-GO-ROUND!~The child whose heart has broken for you.-Safe Promises

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