Monday, February 4, 2013

Closing In(to my world)

Slowly i feel like my world is unfolding in front of my very eyes....and not in that good way. I have dug a hole, that i am now realizing i cannot crawl out of on my own. My good friend (i call him Ticket) was the only person in the world i told anything to. Trust in him kept me glued with his interest and wisdom. Ticket was great, he never treated me different when he saw me in that, except for the random, occasional, "Hows it going" or "Have a nice day"....and i liked that. He had a soft spot in his heart for hurting people, but he knew when enough was, he didn't want to see me get more hurt then i was, so he stoped. He Completely left me Hanging. He will not speak to me, he will not help me, he will not listen to me. I Share this with Everybody and Anybody who dares to read this Blog and not comment. Ticket is a human, and as a human, he couldn't take holding on to my pain any longer so he let go.
 I lay awake at night wondering what would have happened if i put all that trust and faith into God. Would my world now be closing in? With no way out? When i was little, God was my strength, my best friend, I loved God, and i thought he loved me. Now as i am growing up i realize, i pushed my trust onto humans, not God, and that was stupid. Ticket ended up breaking me. He ripped out apart of me that i can't fix...and now I'm left with a bigger wound then before. God, Heal My Heart, Open Up My World, Show Me Your Light...and Heal Ticket, i am sorry for hurting him.

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