Friday, June 21, 2013

My (God's for me) Journey into the WORLD.

Recently I flew into a rather big City. It was night as the plane landed somewhere in the U.S. and the city lights glowed elated. The roar of the engine died as the plane polished the surface of the cemented landing stripe. With a slight jolt, and minutes waited, we were instructed to gather our belongings and head gradually our the door. Reality hit when I realized, yes, I am in the U.S.... I am in one of the many States.... And an even bigger thought. I am in the world, I am on Earth! The earth is 3,959 miles in Radius. In 2011 the population of earth was 6.974 billion People. Huge, Huh?....Now think of this. That is just one planet. Of course none of the other planets have humans on them...but there still are, what?...8 or 9 other planets? and over half of those are numerous times bigger than earth. Now think with me.... Me...Safe Promises.....Me....A Child Of GOD....Was standing on U.S. soil... and I am one in over 6 billion people, yet God has given ME the opportunity to go to one of the U.S. States and spread his love. Who Am I, a child who is small, in this Gigantic world? Who Am I to make a difference? In this Dark Place. This place that Has Miles upon Miles, of valleys and hills and roads and mountains and seas and Who Am I to deny God, when He's the one who made all that. I am an Ant Compared to an Elephant in this universe. I have no say in where I go, and what I do, and if I take a breath the next second of my life. That is all God's doing. But then what is my job? an Ant? What is your job? an Ant? To listen, to follow, to Hear God and do what his is telling you . Because its true, YOU cannot make a difference in this world.....It has to be God in you! If your willing God will use YOU to Change the world, and that thought alone in un-apprehensive because of its miraculous meaning!
I felt tiny in that air-port...and then?...I reached down, picked up a piece of trash, got a few interesting looks...and Started to make a difference...One act of kindness can spark up a conversation, and start an on-fire Love for God in someone else's Life. I encourage you all to try it. One tiny difference in this Enormous World. Pick up trash. Hand out food. Talk to someone. Be Kind. Be Jesus, to the least of these... Praise God even if your the only one. All hat matters in this GOD. Why wait to share him? Why not GO. That's what I did. I went. Caught a Plane. Shared God. an now I'm home. But that won't stop me. My Friends, My family, Co-Workers, and Acquaintances, even Strangers, cold always use some encouragement. My goal is to start The Innocence Project...a sketchy Idea with a big plan...As long as it's GOD'S WILL.
Dear God: We want to make a difference. We want to share your word. We feel so small and inadequate. But if you have chosen us, you will pull us through. Nothings more then we can handle, and if that means being burnt at a stake, or getting glares at an Airport, I will follow, I will Obey, and when I start to fall.....You have promised...You Will Catch Me! And I want to say Thanks! And for all the times I have Denied you, Blasphemed you and Rejected....My heart goes out to you, as my Voice utters the words, "I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me."
With Love,
Your Diminutive Child, Safe Promises.

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