Friday, June 21, 2013

My (God's for me) Journey into the WORLD.

Recently I flew into a rather big City. It was night as the plane landed somewhere in the U.S. and the city lights glowed elated. The roar of the engine died as the plane polished the surface of the cemented landing stripe. With a slight jolt, and minutes waited, we were instructed to gather our belongings and head gradually our the door. Reality hit when I realized, yes, I am in the U.S.... I am in one of the many States.... And an even bigger thought. I am in the world, I am on Earth! The earth is 3,959 miles in Radius. In 2011 the population of earth was 6.974 billion People. Huge, Huh?....Now think of this. That is just one planet. Of course none of the other planets have humans on them...but there still are, what?...8 or 9 other planets? and over half of those are numerous times bigger than earth. Now think with me.... Me...Safe Promises.....Me....A Child Of GOD....Was standing on U.S. soil... and I am one in over 6 billion people, yet God has given ME the opportunity to go to one of the U.S. States and spread his love. Who Am I, a child who is small, in this Gigantic world? Who Am I to make a difference? In this Dark Place. This place that Has Miles upon Miles, of valleys and hills and roads and mountains and seas and Who Am I to deny God, when He's the one who made all that. I am an Ant Compared to an Elephant in this universe. I have no say in where I go, and what I do, and if I take a breath the next second of my life. That is all God's doing. But then what is my job? an Ant? What is your job? an Ant? To listen, to follow, to Hear God and do what his is telling you . Because its true, YOU cannot make a difference in this world.....It has to be God in you! If your willing God will use YOU to Change the world, and that thought alone in un-apprehensive because of its miraculous meaning!
I felt tiny in that air-port...and then?...I reached down, picked up a piece of trash, got a few interesting looks...and Started to make a difference...One act of kindness can spark up a conversation, and start an on-fire Love for God in someone else's Life. I encourage you all to try it. One tiny difference in this Enormous World. Pick up trash. Hand out food. Talk to someone. Be Kind. Be Jesus, to the least of these... Praise God even if your the only one. All hat matters in this GOD. Why wait to share him? Why not GO. That's what I did. I went. Caught a Plane. Shared God. an now I'm home. But that won't stop me. My Friends, My family, Co-Workers, and Acquaintances, even Strangers, cold always use some encouragement. My goal is to start The Innocence Project...a sketchy Idea with a big plan...As long as it's GOD'S WILL.
Dear God: We want to make a difference. We want to share your word. We feel so small and inadequate. But if you have chosen us, you will pull us through. Nothings more then we can handle, and if that means being burnt at a stake, or getting glares at an Airport, I will follow, I will Obey, and when I start to fall.....You have promised...You Will Catch Me! And I want to say Thanks! And for all the times I have Denied you, Blasphemed you and Rejected....My heart goes out to you, as my Voice utters the words, "I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me."
With Love,
Your Diminutive Child, Safe Promises.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

(UN)thinkable- UN-Speakable

Where do I start. I have lots on my mind and nothing seems to get it out. Its like, have you ever known that one person, who sits in a group, but says nothing? That one person who, when you ask them what their thinking, they ignore you because they themselves cannot explain it. No matter how much you nudge them, they shake you off and change the subject, and you just want to dig deeper and understand their thoughts. Yes, my mind is like that right now, but something tells me I must get this out into the open. People  must hear. If only my mind had a voice of its own...oh does.... My mouth.
There's this song, by the incredible artist Plumb. The words say, how every body has a story to tell, and everybody has a wound to heal. How we get so tired of holding on, and we cant let go, we cant move on. How were trying to hear his small voice, but how the noise of this life is captivating our every move. We call out "God I need you now," and no matter how much we want to believe there's meaning, we struggle to find the strength to carry on. My friend Ticket brought this song to my attention one night. And if you truly listen to the words, its not a song at all, it is a prayer, a cry, its the mind of someone. Just how that person in the crowd cannot explain what their thinking, this song is like the thoughts of so many. Of course, I am not saying everyone thinks the same way, in fact probably no-one else in the world has ever has this particular thought, but its the way that it is put out there, the way it is written, and if you have never had yourself a deep thought, then you will be completely lost in what I am trying to say.
When I have so much on my mind, I write, when im around others, I draw, I draw my mind onto the paper, no one else understands it, because its all abstract and such, but I get it.
Right now, I am not getting out what I want to say. What I want to say is, so many people in this tinyly-huge world and hurt and struggling and calling out. Just listen to that song its full of sorrow! We as Christians are like that to, but the difference between us and others is we have God to lean on! Now, im not gonna sit back and take all that junk people give others! I want to step up and speak my mind! I want to tell people that just because there lost doesn't mean they can be found! God can do anything right? I mean, he could even convert Satan into a fellow belive and Christian, Couldn't he? God almighty! Strong and Power ful! And then theres us who and hurt and broken and torn from things of this earth when all we need is to lean on God! If any of you out there knows that one guy or girl in the crowd that doesnet speak. That just thinks. I have advice. Do Not push it out of them. but dig deep into their life. How to dig deep? I guess i'll have to have another blog about that. Pray for them. Maybe ask to pray with them. Encourage them, I bet over half of those "thinkers" are amazing writers, and creative artists....They have to be! Speak life into them! Sometimes it takes a push, and then they'll cave and tell you all. But When you push them into telling you their thoughts, the thoughts that have no way of being voiced, At least 75% of people who sit back and observe and think quietly to themselves will reject and push you away if you try to hard, because they cant deliver to you what you want. They cant voice out loud all there "Thoughts". I m sorry if you don't understand. This is why I don't speak of this subject ofter. If your as into this subject as I am, leave a comment....or E-Mail at
Dear God. Give me the words to speak. and let this Nation See you as a light in this Darkness!
Your Little Light.
Safe Promises

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tick-Tock(You waisting the clock...)

TIME. One word that will not exist in the next life. One word that God merely invented for us on EARTH, but has no value in HEAVEN. Why can't we live like there's no time on earth? why cant we live life to the fullest each day, instead of post-ponning until another "time"? I had a small explosion of a fight with one of my friends a while back. and although we haven't necessarily talked in a few months, I feel like im wasting time. Why can't I suck it up and make things right between us? I only have as many days left on this Earth as God allows me to Have. and I should be making a difference in peoples lives instead of arguing and loosing friends. Its not my place to judge people, just like its no ones place to judge me. but it is my place to share with others about God's Love. Even if I don't fully understand it. Even if I fall away from it and begin to doubt sometimes. no matter what I think, I have to share to others about God. that is my job. That is Your job. That is all of our jobs. but so often time gets in the way. "Times are changing" people say. "Were to busy". "Mebbe next week". But it cant wait. Recently I traveled outside my homeland with some fellow friends. Were shared God's love to others and tried to make a difference in the dark lands. And I think....and I thought.....Well, this is not a complete thought but, Every minute we waste not talking to someone, not improving our attitude, not impacting a human being, for every minute we spend goofing off.....there goes another human......there lies another hopless soul, condemned to a not so nice place, and he's gone. dead. lifeless. and we could have saved him. Me and my friends were not taking work that seriously and I later thought.....I just waisted my day. I have the best chance to reach out, but instead I made up lame jokes and non-memerible memories with my friends, but for what? to make me feel good? when I get to HEAVEN, will that matter? NO. I JUST WAISTED THE TIME I HAD! and im waisting time right now, typing up this page that no one will read, but its not waisted time in my eyes, if even one person read this and takes it to heart to start actually living life, to dig deeper in friends lifes to help them, to dig deeper in strangers lives to help them, to show God's love, if just one person starts doing that, and another catches on, and another..... it can change the world. and it is a waist if you are reading this right now and do not plan to invest in others lives....if you plan to go off and be a "cool stud", or a "beauty queen" and have no purpose behind that....well im sorry but your waisting the time God so graciously gave you. Dear God: Help me use my time wisly. Give me the courge to invest into others lives, that they might know you. Give me peace with my friend that I waisted time fighting with. and allow this world to KNOW YOU! I pray this in your TIMING. Your promised child -Safe Promises