Friday, October 18, 2013


Do you ever just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think....Everything is fine?
Do you ever just take a second to glance around you and think..... This is all there is?
Do you ever stop and listen for a tiny small voice, that will lead you on to greater things?
Well, miracle of all miracles, I stopped and listened. A tiny voice inside me said, go the speed limit...repeatedly over and over, and so I did, I slowed my car to a mere speed and drove along. Shortly after a song by the artist Plumb came onto the radio waves. It ended right as I drove into my home-area, and I felt tears fill my eyes. Which was incredible, simply because I drove the right speed which intern gave me the right amount of time to hear the one song that I needed right then and there. God bless to all. And in the future, anything that happens out of YOUR plan, think of what lies ahead in GOD's plan...I guarantee you it is much greater than any of your plans combined. Eternity with God is always BETTER then earthy things that will pass away.
Dear God:
Thank you for a lesson today, and for patience to listen, please allow us all to have patience with you and your plan.
Your Child
~Safe Promises

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