Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Girl's first Crush(ed heart.)

Every little girl has a big crush, sometime or another. whether it be when there 5 years old, or 18 years old. They see a nice guy, and lody dottie know how it goes, I'm sure.
                   I know what that little crushy feeling is like, like your on top of the world, belive me, it happened to me, a long while ago. I am hear to tell every little or old girl this, so if you have young kids, feel free to share this with them.
First: My Story
There was a guy, obviously, we will call him Cape. Now Cape was one of those guys that, you know, everyone liked. and as I grew older I realized my crush was juvenile, it took me a while to get over it but eventually by my freshman year, it was gone. And I was glad of it... Cape soon acquired somewhat of a girlfriend, who now they are currently very happy together. And I realized, if God wanted me to be with him,,,it would have happened. and although I struggled with it for a while, I finally decided, God's plan is so much bigger and better then my own plan.
Second: The Moral
All you girls with crushes, don't let that be the break of your heart, I know you feel in love, and like you want to marry this guy, or however you feel but truth is, Give it to God. He will provide you with who he want s you to be with. his plan is so much bigger and better then yours. Don't allow your heart to be broken, by this boy, Wait on God. Be Patient. My heart was crushed in a sense, but it makes me so glad, to see the one person I did care about, so happy. Cape and his girl, Cod are so thrilled with each other...and I couldn't have asked for anything better. You see, instead of having  a deep crush on him, I gave it to God, and he allowed me to have a deep caring, and there will always be a place in my heart for Cape, but just not in the way of jealousy for him and Cod, but gladness, and friendship, Do you understand? I sure hope you do. God will show me my future spouse when the timing is right. and if it is God's plan for me to be a lone maid...then I will do it with a smile on my face, and never be married, but I will do it all with Gladness, Because truthfully the only thing that matters in this life, is that we love and serve God, we spread his word, we make a better eternal Kingdom, and don't worry about our earthly one. I believe there is no Marriage in heaven. If any person in the world reading this attended the Secret Church that was also an Online Live Cast, you will know what I am talking about, a good point was made, there's no marriage in heaven, so why are we dishing out our feelings and pouring them into simple crushes? if God wants us to marry someone, he will prompt you, he will tell you this is the person, you must be so in tune with God that you will hear him, and feel it inside you, and you must be so in tune with God that even if you never get married, your completely fine with that. And that's not just speaking for little Girls, But the boys as well. Pray and ask God. Give it to him, and he will give it back, but according to his plan..
Dear God: I pray for all my brothers and sisters of Christ reading this, that they may understand, the greatest relationship, is with you...and in this life, That is all that matters. If you call us to marry one another, we will, if you call us to Stay single, we will, But Lord, help us not to pour our feelings to one another if it is not your will.
Your Loved Child,
~Safe Promises

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