Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Someone Love you [Even when(YOU) Don't think so]

So as many of you know I was gone for a while, Helping out in the States. And as I have just now found time to write, I have one thing only on my mind. Suicide. No, No, NOT me committing it, oh please, do Not take it the wrong way, my though is of all those who have THOUGHT about it. AND who have Done it. Un-helpless amounts of joking about it wen ton where I was, and I happened to meet 3 or 4 individuals who had been contemplating it. and I know this is a sketchy matter on my part, but I feel like somehow, we all need to know that we all have a purpose in life. and that we cannot throw it away because of lonely-ness or sense of rejection. and the important thing is, more people then not have been through that...I had no clue how many stories there were. But God put us here on Earth for a reason, he gives You a choice for a reason, He has a plan for you. God has a plan for YOU! Oh Wowzer....re-read that just to sink it into your head because I know when I was feeling sad and depressed that though washed over my mind without a blink....I didn't care, but I do now, because I see what people are going through, iv been there, done that, its not cool. When you feel like your all alone and God's given up, that does not give you any reason to give up. I have a cousin who looks great on the outside but on the inside, he's hurting, he's lost, he's throwing his life away with drugs and alcohol, and for what? pleasures? does he not understand that God set him here Specifically for a reason, and purpose, as he's done with all of us, and if we don't follow God's will who will? Not our next door neighbors, they all have there own plans! God Loves you, even when you don't think so, and when you cant feel him, it gives you every reason in the world to die, because what's living without God? What's life without Christ? That was my heart Question. And an answer is ... Nothing. A Person Who Dies Without Being Born Again and Having Christ In there HEART. Is Like a Person Committing Suicide. One Sin, Is the Same as The Other. Lying, same as Murder. Stealing same as Adultry, and the list goes on.............But its not me who will or can convict you, its God, The Holy Spirit, so I pray he will. Turn your life around and Run for God. "Take a lead towards God, and he will Run after You"....You know why? BECAUSE HE IS JEALOUS FOR....you.
Dear God: Save these people, these lost souls, I was there and you saved me, Show yourself to them. Help them see worth, beauty, love and LIFE.
Your leaping child,
Safe Promises

I love this song by Stellar Cart:
Someone loves you even when you don't think so don't you know you got
Me and Jesus by your side through the fight you will never be alone on your own you got me and Jesus....

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