Wednesday, May 13, 2015

{Somewhere, where the sky is Blue}

Its a gorgeous day, somewhere in the world... Its also a lousy day somewhere.
Somewhere a baby has just been born, and has cried its first breath.
& Somewhere a little child was beat to death and will never see daylight again.
Somewhere in the world a Girl is saying "I Do" to the love of her life.
& Somewhere a couple is signing divorce papers, as their children cry for them to reconsider.
Somewhere in the world, a boy celebrates his 18th birthday,
& Somewhere a boy prepares to jump a cliff, because life has been "to much."
Yes, somewhere it is a Gorgeous day, the best day ever....but maybe even just miles from that joy, is pain.

What is today for you?

A long time ago I decided to make everyday count, to make them all Gorgeous days, simply because I think life is to short to be a lousy day...but how can you have a gorgeous day when you know there must be pain going on right next to you? How can you dare to enjoy yourself when you know others are suffering? How can YOU have a Gorgeous day, when really, something terrible has already happened to you that day?

God gave us life and in life he also gave us free will{Which is a long spiel in itself} but there is going to be pain in life because of sin, that's just the way it how can we be happy when there is so mush unhappiness? the question of the century.

This is how I see it, even in pain there is still joy. God gives us pain for a reason, and although things happen like family members dying, and loss of jobs, there is always a way to get through it, if nothing else, you can ALWAYS turn to God... sometimes  it seems as if he doesn't hear you but rest assured, when you run towards God he will take a leap towards you...
And when you do have those Gorgeous days, take them in, enjoy every moment....but even in the joy, the pain is a reminder...
Its just figuring out what it is a reminder of that can be difficult.

Imagine the Impossible. Inspire the Unknown. & Change this WORLD!....{and don't let anything stand in the way}

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