Monday, March 18, 2013

Smile and Wave...

I am the kind of person that loves to listen to people talk. I love getting included into conversations, and i love it when even if i don't know what to say they keep talking to me awkward silences. But sometimes in life i find myself just simply Smiling and waving...never stopping to start a conversation with anyone else. i realized...if every one would smile and wave and no one had ever stopped and chatted with me...i would have never come to know Jesus. Although every now and then i may be sketchy about the whole thing i know for sure is that true Godly people do Not Smile and Wave....well, sure they do in the physical tense but Not in the Spiritual. Instead of putting on a blank front and pretending to be something that they are not, they get to the point...they are so in tune, so in love with God, that they look AND Act the part with His help! how amazing! They are like those very talkative people, they know what to say, and they say it...instead of people like me... i shy back, i am a waver...i smile at them when words don't come... but i have learned, if you trust in God and are willing to follow him to the ends of the Earth, then he will provide opportunities AND Words for you to  more waving and smiling... just Stopping and Talking
My friend Ticket is probably one of the best stopper and talkers i have ever known. Although i am sure he gets very nervous and scared when he talks to Others about God, but when he talks to me about God i feel God's love pour out of him. its so amazing. Its like God is his best friend, and i wonder how can that be? I want to know God as much as Ticket knows God. Wouldn't that be amazing? just be able to stop and talk to people about this amazing God, and have such passion for him that it comes out when others are in need. I asked Ticket "Why do you still believe in God?" and he responded in such a way as, "Because He is True. There is nothing that disproves it, Evidence is so strong that He exists...." and that stuck me, "Because He is True." Ticket then told me, "If you believe and trust in God with everything, He will take care of you." and that struck me also! Those if God put them in his mouth! He will take care of you, because he is True! He is Truth! God never Lies! He IS TRUE!!! Brain fart right there...unless you've experienced it, i don't know how else to explain it! but just the realization that no matter What you do on earth...God will always Love you, He will always take you back, he will always hold YOU in His HAND! Because He is True, Real, Truth, Love, Omega, Alpha,Beginning and the End, he is Peace, he is Joy, Hope, Everything you may need He is waiting there for you...Stopped dead in his tracks waiting to Talk to YOU...He is not just smiling and waving waiting for you to pass by...He wants YOU!! AMAZING!
Dear God, I am so Amazed at how much you want me...I want you also! Show me how to draw closer to not just Smile and Wave...BUT TO STOP AND TALK!!!~ Your looking Child~

Saturday, March 9, 2013

His Strong Hands....Holding me ME!

Sometimes in Hard time we see God best. Sometimes in wonderful times, God shines through brightly. The truth is God is always there, whether you don't feel him, or i don't feel him. He Is Always There. His Hand is ALWAYS Holding YOU! Which is SO Totally Mind blowing because then you get into the question of How in the World can God be EVERYWHERE and be holding EVERYONE??! But i guess a simple Logical answer would be, simply because He is Awesome. But I didn't always think that way. Sure, all my friends and family talk about how awesome God is, but i never quite grasped the part where 'Awesome' does Not define God...He is so much more than that! As my friend, Ticket once told me, "God will never leave you, no matter how much you show you don't want him." God is waiting for you. He wants you to take that first little step towards him, and then he will start running towards you. He longs for his Children to love him, to rely on him, to give Everything to Him, for He is the one who created them!
I sometimes am a clumsy child, but as i fell down one time, Ticket reached down to help me up. As i grabbed onto his hand, i thought about how God is there to Always pick us up when we fall. Either, Spiritually, or Mentally, and even Physically. His strong hands are always Holding onto me. As ticket hoisted me up, i felt strength surging through his strong arm... As God hoists me up, everyday, i feel Strength surging through Me...which is so incredible, because God gives me strength, He gives me strength so that next time i fall, i will be able to withstand it. He gives me strength so that Each Day, i can stand on my two feet and live a life that is all for Him!
Recently i was riding alone in my friend Ticket's Car with him. As we were driving along, we got into this conversation about God. As we were talking i couldn't believe how passionate about God he was. The way he spoke about Him, it was as if God was his best friend, and as if he knew God very very well. I longed for that. Why did it come so Easy for Ticket and not for me? Why could i not feel God's presence half the time... and why did it seem as if God was not real the other half of the time? Ticket tried so hard to get me to turn to God, some nights i imagine he was in tears, because that's how much he cares about God, and others loving God. But, the truth is, God spoke through Ticket. He really did, and still does, even though Ticket has no idea. When ever i talk to Ticket about spiritual things, whether it ends in a fight or not, i always can see God working though him. I want that so bad, i want to turn to God with everything, I want God to hold Me in his hand. I want God to use me to speak life into other peoples lives. Dear God, TEACH ME TO TURN TO YOU, HELP ME LORD, TO COME TO YOU WITH EVERY NEED. YOU ARE MY FATHER, YOU ARE MY PROVIDER, YOU ARE MY HEALER, HELP ME UNDERSTAND. ~Your Promised Child.~