Friday, May 23, 2014

(Love OR Hate)Choose Wisely.


The creation of anything is amazing. The way something can be formed from utter nothing...mind boggling! I myself am a creator..i love to make things. I make things from Clay, mud, paper, plastic, cloth, wood...practically anything. Name a medium, and I have probably made one thing or another out of it. But with me, I always have to start with something, I can start with hardly anything, like grass, and make a beautiful woven basket, but I cannot make the basket by starting with nothing.
but....My Creator Can.
You see the pure knowledge of how to make something, alone is enough to blow someone's mind. You need to know different ways to make it, if one fails. You need to know what is the best type of medium to on and so forth. What I continue to be amazed at is how God, our Creator made us from NOTHING! literally, nothing...okay, well dirt.. but think about it, he made the dirt! He had no mediums or ingredients to start out with but yet he ended up with this amazing planet, with living breathing plants, animals, and HUMANS! and on top of that, there are millions of galaxies out there, just waiting to be discovered! AMAZING! God is so much more that just a Creator...he is THE Creator!
Sometimes, things in this life seems terrible. Our mother dies, You loose your job. Our house burns down. Your taken from your family, and placed in Social Services, and receive, "A New mommy and daddy". Things don't go the way we plan. but in all reality, its not what WE plan. It is what God plans... If he planned the world form just speaking it, don't you think he can plan our lives perfectly? Every wrong thing that happens, is not wrong at all. In our eyes, it looks like the end of the road, but our God is so much bigger than that.
He gives us the hard things, so we will enjoy the good things.
He gives us the hard things, so we will be strong through the next thing.
He gives us the hard things, so we can rely fully on him!
He gives us the hard things, so we can Trust him!
We cannot wallow in self-pity, and shame. We must press forward, and not ever give up. This life may not have much to offer, but God does! He always does! He already sees what will happen, because he invented it! The pain we feel now will only help us become warriors for HIM!
There are TWO outcomes of pain.
One, is Hate.
One, is Love.
But there is ONE outcome of Trusting God...
It is all your choice, but the Creator of the universe begs you to believe. In trial and temptations don't ever thing for even one second you are alone, because Jesus faced those things to. Don't ever thing you are not loved, or your not good enough, those are lies. You may thing that is just the outcome of pain...but it is not!
The outcome of pain is 1 of 2 things,
When you are hurt, when you are crushed, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, anyway, the lies you here are not the outcome of the pain. Hate is. You choose to hate, you choose to let those lies crawl in, and you think it is all part of the process of being hurt, but its NOT! The Hate you feel because of pain in your life is all YOUR Choice. The hate you feel toward life, God, family, friends, anything, or anybody, its your choice. But what you do with that Hate is what matters. Do you throw it away and turn to Love? or do you bottle it up, because, "Its not fair." or "You cant let it go?"
The second thing that comes from pain, is Love. Just like Hate, it is your choice, but it will be either Hate or Love, you cannot mellow in-between.
When you are hurt, when you are crushed, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, anyway, Love can be the outcome. it is hard to love those that hurt you , but it can be done. and it is amazing what can happen! To love from pain, is to completely give it to God, that is the only way, you cannot love on your own power...because God IS Love, so you MUST have him inside you to Love...which makes this so hard. But you need to love through God. Give all your pain to God, and see what he does...he will take All your Hate, all your Pain all your Suffering and he will turn it into the deepest love. But you need to experience it, to know how it feels.
The Creator. The only one who can change Hate onto Love... The one who gives us Pain, to make us STRONGER.
Dear God.
Take my Pain, my Hate. I have scars indented in my heart, but I know you can erase them. Take my life, and turn it into love for you. Let me show others, the Love you've given to me. Help me not be bitter with those who give me Pain, but to love on them, and show them You.
Your Pain Indented Child,
~Safe Promises

His Sucess! {forever}

The Goal of many is success. People do not go through life hoping and trying to fail...they go to succeed. To win. To gain.
My friend, Ticket, is an example of this. Many of you have heard me talk of Ticket, in recent posts.
Ticket is an Athlete. He plays Sports...Competitive...Active...Fast..He is what he is. He tried his best an even if he cannot do what others may be able to do, he does what he can.
Ticket is also a Singer. He has a good voice, and knows how to harmonize. He sings everything from a Solo to a choir of 20+. he is confident, and he sings his testimony to God when he can. He tries his best.
Ticket is also a Musician. Guitar, Piano...He tries his best.
Ticket is a Writer. He can write essays, stories, even poetry. He writes what he feels. He tries his best.
Ticket is an  Artist. A creative mind..he tries his best.
I am not Bragging on my friend. I'm not holding him up, because notice I say "He tries his best". It is not HIM doing it...its God. God gave him all those gifts, and many more...Just like he gave us all gifts, but we have to be willing to let GOD use them. Our Goal is Success..We try our best to do our best...and our best I not how good we do, but how much our heart is praising God.
Ticket is strong, manly you may say, but also soft and kind.
I have another friend, Sham, we will call him.
Sham cannot sing, very well.. but he tries
Sham cannot draw, very well...but he tries
Sham cannot play an instrument,
Sham cannot write.... he cannot do a lot of things...but he succeeds, because he tries.
Sham is an Athlete...and at that he does his best, and gives the glory to God.
 God made each of them like that, God knows what characteristics each person needs, and what gifts they will use to serve him...but giving you a gift is nothing if you don't use must Try Your Best. even if you fail, you have failed for God...but that is otherwise known as Success. You see success is not whether you win or loose...but whether your Glorified God through the Gifts he has given you.
Try Your Best. Your Gift is from God...So use it WISELY and Success will follow, not matter WHAT!

Dear God,
Thank You for every persons gifts, and the un discovered gifts. bless each person who reads this blog.. help them find their purposeful gift to praise You.
Your Lost Child,
 Safe Promises,