Saturday, February 8, 2014


          Fear is the one thing in this world that holds back millions everyday.
I have a fear. I am afraid of the stage, of people, of their judgment. I have stage fright. I am a shy, un-sociable child. My face gets red, I stutter, and I forget my words. but I realize, if I never get over that fear, and just conquer it, I will get no where in life. No Where! So I decide, inside myself, I decide to conquer it. I have tried so many times before, but the difference between this time is, I Will have Jesus on my side. If Jesus conquered Death, he surly can conquer the stage for me, don't you think?
God will help me, I know it. I complete faith in him to push me through it.
        Don't be afraid, of anything. There is Nothing to fear in this Life...Nothing, as long as Gods on your Side. In Revelations, we already see how the battle turns out, we know for a fact that God wins! So why are we afraid? If God can win the biggest battle of them all, the he will help us through our little ones.! brilliant! He is Our Help!
          So this just brings me to not only getting through fear of the stage, but fear inn general. I could go out, into a land with cannibals and man eating snakes...and HAVE NO FEAR, For GOD is THERE! which leads me to my next point of, God is everywhere! My friend, Ticket told me, You are Never to far from God.  
         1.You are never to far from God.
         2.You can never do anything to make God love you more, or Love you less.
         3. You can make God sad, But you cannot make God Hate.
         4. You can run away from him, but you cannot hide from him, for he is ALWAYS there.
         5. You Are His CHILD...He wants to Save You From Death, and Fear.
(Remember those FIVE things...)
God is Light.... AND Where Light is, Darkness must Flee...Invite God into your life, into your Fear...make the dark flee, and enjoy the freedom of having NO Fear.
I had a....situation....with my Mother, as some may know. For a while, I was afraid. Afraid of her, Afraid of my home, Afraid of my Life. but God Does Not operate of fear...but faith. When you call on God, day after day, you can be Fearless Forever.
I had a ...situation...with a friend. Fear froze me up, it swallowed my insides, and I was no longer me. I was Fearful, I was what fear made me....But that cannot happen. This world will never get anywhere if you are constantly AFRAID of making change n yourself and in the world....
What happens today in he world...NONE of it will matter in the run of eternity...NONE EXEPT...for how we further God's Kingdom...Now tell me, How will we further his Kingdom...If we are all afraid?