Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tonights HEART'S Cry

Things that people go through = Emotion. temptation. stress. hurt. Worthlessness
Things that God can save us from = Emotion. temptation. stress. hurt. Worthlessness

Do you see a pattern? I am personally going through a dry time, a time where God doesnt seem as real as normal. Its hard to imagine a loving father, someone who is so close by, waiting for his child to cry out for help. Its hard to know that he's actually there. Why would a God who loves us and created us, allow us to go through so much hurt? So much pain? So much trial.?! Why wouldnt he just come out and hold me tight and show me he is real, because millions of people every day struggle, and make the life changing decision to either kill themselves, or reject God complelty. Doesn't God see that we are hurting? Can't he see we feel worthless, and hatred? Can't he tell we need love and to feel him? We feel all alone..

Those are my thoughts. but they are not right. We cannot focus on how we can not feel God, we have ot focus on moving towards Him. I know i scream out ot God and ask him why he's not hear. but we have to be willing to move forward, take a step towards God and he will run to you. YOu must be faithful in living, and proclaiming his word. There truly is nothing you can do to make God love you any more or any less, because God loves you so much right now. BUt theres somthing special about God. HE gave us self choice, will, our own way if you please. He gave us the chance to choose right and wrong, to choose Him or Evil. Its true, God loves oyu, but he does not want a bunch of people who HAVE to worship him...he wants peole who WANT to worship him, see the differce? Slaves HAVE to work, Servants GET to work, we are the hands and feet of Christ, we are his Servants. If we choose to love God and further his kingdom, he will feel like he's always there. SO dont give up hope.

God Loves You,
Even when you dont think so.
God has not left you.
Its a lie, a lie your beliveing.
God Wants you.
GOd made you
Give your heart ot God
Feel his tears on your face.
God is waiting for you.
BUt he will not force you,
YOu can only serve one master,
WHo Will It Be?
God Loves You,
Even when you dont think so.
God has not left you.
Its a lie, a lie your beliveing.
God Wants you.

As i repeat this, i pray
Please heal every wounded heart that reads this. Please heal mine, as much as the otehres. LOrd we are all broken, were torn, were weak, and were done being nothing. We take our step towards you God, please, please help us. Forgive us, Lord.
Your Child with the Tears,
Safe Promises.